Me, and a little time

IMG_4988I’ve had my blog for a year now, and to be honest, I can’t believe I’ve stuck to it.  My posts are far and few, but my writing has helped me.  I used to be the girl who always loved to be around people and never wanted to miss time with friends or family, but after losing my Mom, I’ve changed.  I now need time alone.

When I’m alone, I don’t feel the burdening weight of pressure I put on myself.  I write when I have the time to reflect on the things that I would have wanted to share with my Mom and although hard at times, it also brings me joy.  My blog has helped me articulate some of my emotions, and has most importantly, reminded that my Mom will always remain with me not only as memories, but in the ways that I love my husband and family, persevere through difficult times, lovingly help others and pursue the wildest of my dreams.

In January, we celebrated my Dad’s 59th birthday (in Korean custom, he actually turned 60), and as we talked about the past year together, we acknowledged a new found sense of peace; a peace in knowing that although the coming year will have it’s own challenges, we can trust in God’s grace and power to bring us His comfort and His healing.  My Dad is the greatest example to me of how one can choose to live a life of hope and not in fear.

My Mom was an avid reader and a talented poet, and my love for poetry, writing, art and expression comes solely from her influence.  This blog has become a place for me to connect with all the things my Mom believed in and passed on to me, and all the things I’ve grown to love and now share with my husband.

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